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Russia commits ‘Largest Theft Of Aircraft In History’ by keeping over 400 leased jets

Officials in Russia had until Monday Mar. 28 to return aircraft leased to the country by companies in EU nations, but many have already given up their planes as lost causes. Especially after President Putin signed a law allowing airlines to register leased aircraft as Russian in defiance of international law. ( 기타...

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russian will not be able to reenter the world of aircraft leasing from western companies for the forseeable future, even if they flew every one of the purloined planes into frankfurt or london or paris, giving them up and paying late fees. Western airframe builders and engine buiders also will avoid Russia like the plague, deservedbly so. Pariah state that it is, some of the sanctions will hit home with impact sooner , as well as later.
Stolen word for word from
Stale news.


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