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Plane found on Altamont property Saturday had crashed a week ago. Pilot says he didn't want to tell FAA

"It's almost impossible to kill yourself in a Piper," Jackson said, smiling, and adding that this isn't the first time he's crashed. ( 기타...

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1,500 German stiff-head garlic bulbs, classic.
He has a $100k + plane stuck in the treetops and he's watering his garlic bulbs. Priceless
He is certainly not the Brightest "Bulb" in the bunch!
75 years old, let's help him get his plane outta the tree's and give him a attaboy.
True pioneer's and thrill seekers don't need no stinking rules or reg's.
Rob Lowe 2
"It's almost impossible to kill yourself in a Piper," said the guy who hasn't killed himself in a Piper. Yet.

In all seriousness, does anyone know whether the modifications that he was making were legit?
Not to get too technical, but 49 CFR Part 830 states that a pilot has 10 days to report an "accident". If you can believe the article, he had time to report. Anyhow, what Mr. Jackson did was probably not considered an accident according to CFR's unless it will cost more than $25,000 to remove the plane and repair the trees if necessary. He also had time to fill out a NASA report which also has a 10 day postmark limit. An old timer like he was, probably was unfamiliar or didn't care about current regs (watering his garlic). Looking ahead, if the plane is found to have damaged certain critical airframe components and received "substantial damage", the NTSB might re-classify this from "incident" to "accident". Any follow up on this from you Florida guys?
Hmmm. Sounds familiar but I did make it back to the field and sis tell the FAA.
dmanuel 1
I am concerned the public will misinterpret the statement 'that this isn't his first crash' and roll it into his attempt to hide this accident, drawing a false conclusion that all pilots are a threat to public safety.
Well, he just ought to have done it quicker and we wouldn't be having this conversation and he wouldn't be getting looked at by the Feds.
I'm not sure that he's in trouble with the feds. He is required to notify the NTSB, but not the FAA. He may well have done the former -- as someone who has been flying as long as he has, I would assume he is well aware of this.
linbb 2
But did you read what he was doing? And what he was watering when they contacted him?? Very well written story,LOL, gotta love some of these writers for papers.
I'm surprised by the writing. Normally the folks that write for the Florida Times-Union aren't all that eloquent. Looks like this lady enjoys writing.
It's a different Times-Union. Much different than the one in JAX.
smoki 1
That's precisely what the liberal rag, USA Today, did only a week ago when one of its reporters wrote a hit job on General Aviation accident statistics. The piece was not related in any way to this mishap. It blatantly ignored all the data provided in an interview with AOPA. Case of a preconceived conclusion with cherry picked stats and anecdotes to support the conclusion and then gave AOPA only 175 words to rebut the 1000 word story in a Letter to the Editor. Compared GA accident stats (which have declined significantly over the years) with airline accident stats which is like comparing city bus accident rate with the general public accident rate.


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