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FlightAware Flight Tracker app for Symbian phones

FlightAware is announcing a a, live flight tracker and flight status app for Symbian! This app allows you to track the real-time flight status and tracking map of any commercial flight worldwide. It can also track general aviation (private, charter, etc) in the United States and Canada. Search by aircraft registration, route, airline, flight number, city pair, or airport code. View flight departure/arrival info as well as cancellations, gate changes, delays, and diversions. ( 기타...

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alistairm 4
Thanks guys! I am a Nokia user;)
klimchuk -2
I thought Nokia killed Symbian
alistairm 2
They may be moving towards Windows now with their new Lumia phones. But, ihave two Nokia touchscreen phones and both are Symbian.
They are still releasing new Symbian phones until their development pipeline is emptied, such as the 41-megapixel PureView 808 Symbian cameraphone last month, plus there is still a huge deployment of existing Symbian phones.


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