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Senate fails to end costly FAA shutdown

A partisan stalemate that has partially shut down the Federal Aviation Administration will continue into September, stopping airport construction projects and depriving federal coffers of potentially more than $1 billion in uncollected ticket taxes, after congressional attempts to reach deal fell through on Tuesday. ( 기타...

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preacher1 0
What I'm kinda curious about is that the funding impasse stops the construction projects and furloughs employees. Don't ATC folks get paid by the same agency?????????????
David Sims 0
They are considered essential employees, and they have some funding mechanism to ensure they can continue working. Same thing happened in Minnesota this summer, the state government was shut down, however law enforcement and a few other agencies continued to operate.
Jason Rhew 0
according to my cousin a manager at LA center, the people laid-off are all admin.
preacher1 0
Either way it ain't good. I hope them bastards sleep good knowing they ain't missing a paycheck and enjoying vacation, while over 4000 FAA folks and all them constuction folks are in the unemployment line.

David Sims 0
This whole debacle is a result of the right trying to bust unions at Fedex. The debate over the EAS is just smoke and mirrors.
preacher1 0
I think it's just unions in general. All at Fedex that's union, last I heard, was just the pilots. It's an effort to keep the unions from gaining anymore strength


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