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Solar CEO Crashes Cessna 441 KLGB>KTHV

It sounds like he lost power and went into a spin.. Considering he SURELY could be able to glide 2 miles to the airport. ( 기타...

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wxmeddler 0
I am very familiar with the area. I attend school in the next county over and have good friends who live by this airport. If he was making a south approach there are 1000' ASL hills that you have to work around on the SW side between before the runway opens up. I cannot imagine making the southern approach without having power control.
Ian Bock 0
More likely, ran out of gas. Look at photos of scene, no damage to props. Odd though, cabin is upright, with little damage. No seat belt? Can't figure why else that would not be a survivable crash.
linbb 0
Sounds better than the guy who wrote the header
linbb 0
Look at the damage right behind the pilots side of the fuse, the bend in it is bad see the FAA crash drop tests and you can then see how much it bent and then pulled back out giving the apearance of very little damage.
linbb 0
Gee sounds like the author of this knows it all and was at the controls when it happened love those types.
linbb 0
Yup pretty much a done deal as lost one engine got slow and spun in, no fuel. Dumb deal if you are too low you wont get there dummy.

^The flight
I think I would have had to stop half way across the country.


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