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50 Years Later, Celebrating John Glenn’s Feat

In the winter of 1962, the nation needed a hero. Americans had yet to recover from the Soviet Union’s launching of the first spacecraft, Sputnik, in October 1957 — a rude jolt to our confidence as world leaders in all things technological. The space race was on. Soon after he took office in 1961, President John F. Kennedy had thrown down the challenge to send men to the Moon by the end of the decade. But the Russians still set the pace, boastfully. They launched a dog into orbit, then the first… ( 기타...

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preacher1 1
Having lived through most of this and felt the malaise that was across the country then, John Glenn was a hero. As he said, he was at the right place at the right time, but it's kinda like being the President, you get the crap or the glory if it happens on your watch. He was there; he got the glory and it was like a breath of fresh air all across the country.
alistairm 1
Watch "The Right Stuff"
preacher1 1
I have
alistairm 1
lol, i was directing that at the general audience Wayne, not specifically to you. I did not mean to sound like i was telling you personally to go and watch it. Anyhow, Amazon has it on DVD.
I met John Glenn twice. The first time I was waiting for a Braniff flight to Chicago and it was delayed so that John could make it in Houston for over one hour (1964). Every one in the waiting area a DAL really were impressed and he and his wife were vary nice. I shook hands with him there.

The second time was many years later when John Glenn made a flight on the Space Shuttle. The facility I was in (ISS test labs) was visited by him. Several people asked who that person was. I replied John Glenn, does that ring a bell? Answer was no. I explained who he was. Amazing how the young do not know about the beginning days - Mercury, Gemini and Apollo.
preacher1 1
David, it is sad that history is not taught in detail these days as it used to be. There is no way that this generation can see where they are going unless they know where we have been.

Alistair, I knew what you meant my friend; don't give it a 2nd thought.


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