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Video: CLOSE CALL at Maho Beach with live ATC. (TNCM)

Enjoy this video of a 727 coming close to hitting the Maho Beach. A very close call indeed! ( 기타...

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linbb 2
It landed within the landing zone on the airport just because stupid people insist on standing there is no fault of the aircraft or pilot. Oh yes by the way its an old video and old news.
Yep. Not a duplicate but how many videos have been shot / posted from there. Let's move on.
BaronG58 1
Hey Preacher...just noticed you changed your icon picture..lookin' good
Yeah, that's my little pup Beauregard, Bo for short. He's mostly dachshund. He's about 5. I lost Fritz, my little 12 yr old dachshund about 2 months ago to cancer but this one kinda stepped up to the plate. LOL


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