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Indonesian Air Force Forces Down Australian Plane, Detains Pilots

Jakarta. Indonesian Air Force officials in North Sulawesi forced a civilian aircraft flown by two Australian men to land after the plane entered Indonesian airspace without permission on Wednesday. Pilots Graeme Jacklin and Richard MacLean — both Australian citizens — have been detained by the Indonesian military. ( 기타...

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canuck44 1
There will be lots more of this as relations between the two countries deteriorates over the refugee issue. Australia has been turning back refugees at sea often in or near Indonesian waters and many end up in Indonesia who doesn't want them any more than the Aussies.
I guess nobody would want them anyway, cos one day these are the very people who going to haunt you in them of homeland security and economically...
linbb 1
Wish that they would do that in the US rather than open the place up to anyone and then let the same stay even if they don't have legal standing. As far as forcing them down no problem should have had the proper clearance. With the way things are around the world we are going to see more of this its happened around WADC several times.
Couldnt agree with you more... Crazy world we have out there...


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