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A 37-year-old West Australian man taxied a small plane to his local pub where he proceeded to buy a drink

'The driver had gone into the pub and police conducted an interview, but he wasn't very forthcoming about telling us what was going on,' Sergeant Mark Mckenzie told Daily Mail Australia. 'People could say it was funny but one gust of wind or a circumstance where kids run out onto the road and it would have been very dangerous. Read more:… ( 기타...

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The ticket(s) won't amount to much. He must be a legend to drive without a steering wheel!!! Bah Ha Ha!!!
linbb 1
Knew a fellow who had his driers license suspended due to a DWI, he took a bus to the airport where he kept his plane and when he wanted to go to the airport lounge he would taxi it over. Call it true or not took place at a northern CA airport in the 90s.


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