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Delta supports Obama Administration immigration reforms

First Airbus and now this...I hate to predict what is coming next out of Delta. ( 기타...

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You have to wonder what prompted the statement in the 1st place. As divided as the country was on this issue, they should have known a statement either way would draw fire. They should have just kept their mouth shut.
That ranks up there with Shultz from Starbucks saying "if you don't support gay marriage we don't want your business at Starbucks".
Kinda stupid coming from a public, normally PC company. I wonder what possessed Ms. Smith to put what may be a career ending article out there. I didn't see Anderson's name out there anywhere. That would have been something.
It's "adios" if the brass didn't sanction it.
Yep, but we'll probably never hear. Personnel matter. LOL
BTW, I don't buy Starbucks anymore. Lol. Matter of fact our SAMs quit handling it.
ssjan 1
You don't go to Starbucks... because you don't like gay people?
Could care less if gays get married. When the CEO of a publicly traded company says if I don't support his views he doesn't want my business he just lost my business.
ssjan 1
So if he had said "I don't want racists at Starbucks" would you still boycott them?
You appear to think that there is only 1 view on this issue, that being yours, and rather than just disagree, you prefer to call everybody racist that doesn't agree with you. That puts a whole new meaning to it.
ssjan 0
when did I call anybody racist?
Well, you kinda implied it on your response to WALLACE24. I apologize if I jumped to conclusions.
Im not even sure what defines a racist anymore. Everyone has bias toward some group for some reason but that doesnt take them to the level of the Klan.
Well said
It is stupid for the management of any publicly traded company to alienate consumers because of their personal beliefs. The stockholders were furious at Shultz and rightly so. It is not his company. Even if he had said he didn't want gay racists.
Does Delta buy or just rent the bus to throw her under?
linbb 1
Kind of wonder who they are hiring anyway. Much like the county in Colorado that looks the other way on the issue due to the rich having people work cheep for them. New sheriff now there so will see how that plays out. Delta should keep there nose out of the political scene due to the division on this and other things that they should keep out of.
canuck44 1
Maybe they are looking to cash in on the flights bringing kids from Central America that Biden has been touting to avoid the train ride to the border. Might have to start working an extra day just to pay my "fair share".
Ler 'em walk
Most of em are taking the train it seems.
New baggage handlers???
Oops. Should have went under Boyd's comment.
canuck44 0
Actually there is not much division. Apart from the Chamber of Commerce looking for cheap labor the overwhelming percent of the population oppose amnesty. Even the Hispanic population is split evenly and while the Black and Union population are appropriately firmly opposed. There was more support before Obama's proclamation.

Certainly agree they should have just shut up and probably would have done so if they had done their homework.
My last flight on said airline!
Never like DAL all that much to begin with and esp since the NWA merger. NWA was always my fav.
ssjan 0
Why? One of the benefits of this plan is that less people are deported, i.e. less families are split or people sent back to where they can barely survive.
Or did you mean that it affects 'lesser' people?
I knew there was a reason I was less than thrilled with English class.
Regardless of whether she goes under the Bus or not, I actually wonder how this administration has done anything other than put a temporary hold on deportation and incur bad blood with Congress. Like these folks are gonna jump right up and pay taxes
canuck44 1
71% are now getting some government spite of laws forbidding this. 46% of all new Medicaid enrollments are foreign born. They currently cost us $113 Billion per year net. This will only get worse.
My guess is half won't even sign up unless they are guaranteed citizenship. They only want the status for benefits not because they want to become American. That's why they fly Mexican flags everywhere.


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