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Airbus steals show with last-minute $14 billion Wizz deal

Airbus (AIR.PA) won the Paris Airshow with a last-minute $14 billion (£8.8 billion) deal to sell 110 jets to Hungary's Wizz Air on Thursday, diverting attention from a growing industry debate over how quickly a record backlog of jet orders can be built. The deal, sealed in an all-night negotiating session with ordered-in pizza, avoided a rare defeat for the France-based planemaker at its home arena and is expected to be followed by orders for dozens of A330 jets from China in weeks to come. ( 기타...

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is it time yet for boeing to get off their duffs and respond to the airbus 330 land rush?

The venerable 757 is screaming for rebirth, especially when/if some mods can be made to remake a great aircraft into a GREAT aircraft. Or does boeing wish to cede the market ?
There was a recent squawk about just such a replacement which could be OTD 2015. When CEO bonuses depend on next quarters numbers, 10 years is a looong time.
linbb 0
Old post
Old hype. If AB did steal the show, it would be petty theft.


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