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Drunk airline passenger tied up after getting abusive

This guy is going to wake up in a Russian jail with more than just a hang-over. Notice in the short video, the passengers putting the boots to him and smashing him with multiple blows to the head. He probably won't find much sympathy from the Siberian police. ( 기타...

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They should do this on SWA flights the rude dis respectful pax you get on board there flights. My goodness you would think they had just come from burger king after eating a double whopper with cheese Obviously it didn't go down that well. People like this should be jailed.
linbb 1
Nothing new about there treatment of others including cops arrests, would work better here than the way they take care of crooks here. Saw old issue of Cops on TV with them arresting people, first put the boot to them, knock them down, tenderize them a bit while on the ground with those boots they all wear then cuff and take them to jail.


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