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Supersonic breakthrough: Concorde could fly again within four years

A group of British aviation enthusiasts committed to seeing Concorde fly again has revealed it has the funds to purchase one of the supersonic jets and bring it back into service within the next four years. ( 기타...

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Serviceable engines no longer exist and the CAA flight certification has been revoked. Seeing the Concorde flying again is a pipedream.
They do, but no civilian can buy them
linbb 3
Ok enough as its already been posted several times. According to qualified sources it will never fly again. The reports that it will are by publications which have very little creditable news on anything.
Pileits 2
Isn't this same group claiming they are going to bring the Titanic back to the surface as well?
I read this article in the USATODAY paper just after they grounded the supersonic jets. All have being scrapped or stored NEVER TO BE FLOWN AGAIN the FAA has pulled there airworthiness certificates forever. If you own one your lucky keep it as a show museum like the one on the aircraft carrier in NYC.
They said they have the funds but the don't say they'll spend it.
BOAC747 1
That might be true but they don" or cannot get the airworthy certificates anymore


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