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Mahan B743 at Tehran on Oct 15th 2015, uncontained engine failure

Part of the #3 engine came off, hit the pylon and a part of the engine separated. It returned to Tehran on 2 engines. One news feed said 'snapped off' and others picked it up. The aircraft went into service in 1986. It w ill be interesting to see to what the cause is attributed. Expect someone to blame the embargo ( 기타...

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linbb 1
Already has been blamed by a news source and what is the big deal? Poor maintenance is the problem if you cant fix it right don't fly it tough luck. They should either join the human race and get along with others or just accept the fact that they are what they are and get over it.
linbb 1
Oh forgot the same news source said it fell off but couldn't get to full article.


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