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China to take on Boeing, Airbus with homegrown C919 passenger jet

Amid much fanfare on live national television, China on Monday rolled its first homegrown large passenger jet off the production line in Shanghai, vowing to challenge the dominance of Airbus and Boeing in the global commercial aviation market. ( 기타...

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According to the CNN article, they already have 517 orders for this aircraft. I'd say that is serious competition. Comac also has a strategic alliance with Bombardier ( Boeing and Airbus better watch out!
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

This Is China's Answer to Boeing

A state-owned manufacturer has unveiled the first plane produced by a Chinese initiative to compete in the market for large passenger jetliners.
linbb 1
Don't think so as its still not certified according to reports. Lets see how it works before you call it a competitor to Boeing or anyone else.
One non certified aircraft does not a major airframe manufacturer make!


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