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Allegiant Airlines Makes Forced Landing

Another day, another mechanical problem and another forced landing by Allegiant Airlines aircraft. This one, which received virtually no media coverage, occurred on 2 January 2016 in Grand Junction, Colorado. A Billings, Montana to Mesa, Arizona flight (Flight # 145) made an emergency landing after a failure in the #2 engine. (The photo accompanying the story appears to be an MD-80 aircraft.) According to an Allegiant Airline release: "The crew reacted appropriately to an indicator relating… ( 기타...

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linbb 2
Worn out AC that they do not maintain have been for years an accident waiting to happen. I said years ago just looking at what they were using this was going to happen.
Pileits 1
Wake up Allegiant it is just a matter of time till something MAJOR happens. Clean up your act before you kill a bunch of people.
Maybe they'll merge with Spirit and Frontier and go bankrupt together.


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