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Technical problems and delivery issues: AI’s Dreamliner woes continue

Air India’s Dreamliner woes continued after a technical problem forcing the carrier to ground one of its planes in Paris on Friday even as the US aircraft maker is planning to advance deliveries of the remaining six aircraft by a few months. The grounding of another Boeing 787-800 comes close on the heels of Air India’s Kolkata-Delhi fight hitting the same problem last week, forcing a midnight replacement. ( 기타...

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Dubslow 3
No one else has these issues....

Problem, Air India?
Pretty sure there is a significant database of "operational readiness" numbers for 787's not operated by AI, and if they are substantially better, IMHO, it seems that their aircraft budget has exceeded their maintenance capabilities. A 787 is an electronic computer that flies, without the AB flight control warts. The fuel just stirs the electrons. If you ain't a "sparkie" in that maintenance hangar, your gonna be wearin a lot of rubber gloves! And it doesn't make sense, given the numbers of Indian origin electron whizzes in U.S. industry.
Pretty much dead on. I've witnessed first hand the competency at more than one Indian airport and it appears that most, but not all IA maintenance is sub standard. I remember the post about the venerable B737 continues to fly in spite of lack of proper maintenance for many years.......not so the B787.
linbb 1
Are they not the ones who discovered after they had flown them home new someone stole the fuel filters from them?


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