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Reports of Shots Fired At JFK, Terminal Evacuated

Terminal 8 at JFK is currently being evacuated following reports of shots fired in the terminal. The story is still developing with more details to follow. ( 기타...

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Seems to be another false alarm.
Yep. Interesting how the story apparently morphed from a report of someone with a gun to an active shooter situation. (active shooter: "an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area" according to wikipedia).

Easy to imagine how an innocent could be trampled, shot by police, etc, once the panic takes hold. Fortunately nothing like that happened this time.

I soule like to know what an "inactive shooter" would be.
Sorry, spell checker again, of course it's "I would..."
Started to say just another ho-hum normal night in the Big Apple
Seems to just be mass hysteria


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