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MH370: Search 'to continue after funding runs out'

Several aviation experts have suggested that Boeing is the most likely candidate as the plane, which disappeared on a routine flight from Beijing to Kuala Lumpur in March 2014 with 239 people on board, was a Boeing 777. The US manufacturer has not commented on the rumours. ( 기타...

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linbb 1
Why waste more money on something like this enough has been wasted already along with news of something being found.

Time to pull the plug on it and move on with life.
Boeing is going to want to know what went wrong.
A number of governments that have mutually paid for the search have run out of money (or at least willingness to provide more of it).

Boeing is in no position to pay to continue for the search on their own, their financials aren't all that rosy. There is concern that the Dreamliner program will never be profitable, and they have seen cost overruns and delays in a number of other programs.


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