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The B-17 Swamp Ghost. A Lost World War Two Plane Found After 68 Years In the Jungle.

The bomber was a B-17E Flying Fortress, a four- engine heavy bomber used by the United States Army Air Force, it was piloted by Captain Fred Eaton and took part in one of the first air attacks by the US Air Force during the war. The bomber was intercepted by Japanese Fighters after a raid on ships at Japanese-occupied New Britain. The airplane suffered numerous hits and eventually crash-landed in Papua New Guinea. ( 기타...

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Interesting article, but the headline is very misleading. By my math the plane was found after 30 years of being lost in the jungle.
linbb 1
Yup and not the first story on it either on here about it. Wish that they would come up with better posts on here tho.
dbkoob 1
just so you know i do not work for flightaware or any company i post these articles on my own.

I did not see any articles on this page about it or any other info online. So i thought it was new. Sorry if it was not


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