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Peruvian Airlines Boeing 737-300 bursts into flames after skidding off the runway in the Andes.

A Boeing jet operated by Peruvian Airlines caught fire on Tuesday while landing at an airport near the Andean town of Jauja in central Peru after it swerved on the runway, but there were no serious injuries, a government minister said. Peruvian Airlines said in a statement that the Boeing 737-300 jet drove off the runway for unspecified reasons during the scheduled landing, after swerving to the right. It said that all 141 people on board the flight, which originated in Lima, were evacuated… ( 기타...

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linbb -7
A little late might try reading other posts as it was posted well before yours, TROLL
Hey linn with the 2191 comments but nary a squawk, how bout postin some instead of keepin track of everybody else's!
Y'know bentwing I wondered that myself...... Wonder who the troll is?


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