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Trump's Private Fleet: Travel Before Air Force One, August 23, 2010 - November 8, 2016

Six years of previously blocked tracking data for Trump Boeing 757-200, Citation X and Sikorsky S-76 mapped by Bloomberg reporting team. ( 기타...

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canuck44 1
That 757 probably can be credited with many Trump got him to up to three rallies per day in widely spaced locations where it was used as a backdrop at airports. Lots of folks tuned in to see the plane and stayed to listen to its owner.
Federal Aviation Administration flight records for his aircraft, obtained by Bloomberg through the Freedom of Information Act...
The flight dates run from the aircrafts’ registration through Nov. 8, 2016, the day before the election. While some Trump flight data have previously been published, this span includes flights that had been blocked by commercial tracking services starting in September 2015, “per request from owner/operator.”

Does this mean that 'blocked data' is available by a FOIA request?
canuck44 1
I would suspect only after the fact by a certain amount of time has lapsed.

I wonder if the sons are using it now.
linbb -2
What a stupid assed waste of time will they ever give up that left wing rag that the owner think life should be his way or the highway. Same idiot along with Soros who thinks they owe it to the public to live there lives and think there way.
linbb -2
And by the way missed finishing it, I DO NOT MEAN Trump so there.


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