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Tourist dies after being blasted by Boeing 737 jet engines during take-off

A tourist has died after being blown by the jet engines of a Boeing 737. The 57-year-old woman was injured just after the plane took off from the infamous Princess Juliana International Airport, on St Maarten, in the Caribbean. Read more: ( 기타...

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Already posted Why don't you look prior to hitting the enter button?
linbb -1
That happens way to often on here was rare a few years back, many are just trolls who like to post and add nothing to this forum.
pilotjag 1
Although I agree with what you have said, I wouldn't go as far as to calling them trolls. What ever happened to duplicate squawking? You know, where the admins remove a similar squawk and repost it as a comment on the original squawk? They shouldn't have stopped doing that
There are bloviators (blogviators?) and then there are trolls.
The OP here has been registered less than a year and has 248 at current count, at least daily on a 5-day workweek. At least OP is posting from a variety of sources. Some have posted from one or just a few related sites and are clearly using FA as an advertising source.

Trolls differ in that they express malice aforethought. I don't think the OP rises to that level.

All of that is off-topic of the squawk. On topic, the activity was the last thing on her bucket list.
I used to get notified when someone already posted an article, but FlightAware stopped notifying me of that some time ago.
btweston -1

Actually, relax.


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