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Four RAF F-35 fighter jets land in UK

Weve ordered 138 @ £98 million much for trade war with the US ( 기타...

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"A fifth jet which set off from the US Marine base returned to South Carolina after the aircraft took fuel from an airborne RAF tanker."

Was this a planned return or did a flight of 5 have an 80% success rate for the mission?
From reading the RAF website it was always meant to be four aircraft.
Perhaps the other was just a training flight.

Could we get some consistency in reporting correct figures accurately? Your tag line £98m - link to BBC £92m - widely reported in press and media £150m (even if should have been quoted in $$ this would be £111m)

Timt to up the game level
And also these planes are not just an American plane. A lot of it is made over here, and in Europe.
It was originally labelled the joint strike fighter for a nato role.
a lot of money for a plane with one engine...the USAF did not sell the F22
to other countries, they keep the good stuff for themselves.


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