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Hi Fly Becomes The World’s First Airbus A380 Second-Hand Operator (+Photos)

Portuguese wet-lease specialist, Hi Fly, has taken delivery of its first Airbus A380-800, becoming the world’s first second-hand operator of the largest passenger plane on earth. The carrier is now the fourth European airline to operate the aircraft type and the 14th in the world. Hi Fly has become the world’s largest wet-leasing company, boasting an all-Airbus fleet of Airbus A330s, A340s, and now A380s. Wet leasing is a common practice in the aviation industry where companies like Hi Fly… ( 기타...

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No these are other used A380's. Some are already being dismantled and engines sold off already as spare parts.

I thought that deal fell through and the planes were going to be dismantled for parts?


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