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Castaic Woman Says Delta Let Man Go at LAX After She Reported Him Sexually Assaulting Her Mid-Flight

A 23-year-old woman says her seat neighbor sexually assaulted her while she napped on a Delta flight to Los Angeles, and although she reported the crime to staff on the plane they failed to apprehend the man upon landing. Castaic resident Delany Luh said she was returning from visiting a friend in Chicago on June 16 when, about two hours into a connecting flight from St. Paul, Minnesota, to LAX, she fell asleep. ( 기타...

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yr2012 is now investigating the incident. In a statement, spokesman Trebor Banstetter described the reported behavior as "unacceptable" and said the airline puts its customers' safety first.

"The incident was reported to local and federal law enforcement shortly after the aircraft landed," Banstetter said. "We have reached out to Ms. Luh for more information on this incident."

Now she said see my lawyer.
linbb 1
Ok there is more to this than meets the eye strange the airline didn't have the cops waiting. This does not pass the smell test.


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