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Ohio pilot disappeared without a trace

Neil Huntzinger was an expert pilot. For decades, he traveled North America, Central America and South America for profit and adventure. Then one morning, he pointed the nose of his airplane toward the horizon and vanished into thin air, leaving a mystery that has never been solved. ( 기타...

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Never say never. Did an exercise with the FAA WINGS Safety team on a mountain in NH last year - looking at a wreck from the 1970's. Originally it took two years to find it - and even then it was chance that it was found. But during the initial 1970's search - trawling the mountains - they found three other "disappeared without trace" airplanes. He might still show up (but then so might Amelia!)
May I ask which mountain? I have a NH buddy who hikes many of the New England peaks. I'd like to ask him if he knows about this.

I live in NH and I've never heard of this. Very interested, please share more details. Thanks.
Flew in a SAR in the 60's in South Texas. Never found anything. Lots of real estate to get lost in and never be found.
be021 2
Think someone could find it on Google Maps or a satellite site if you get enough people looking?

This seems to be the same size as a Piper Cub wing(right click on the map and measure distance)...'19.4%22N+85%C2%B044'27.1%22W/@15.972044,-85.7414429,180m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d15.9720442!4d-85.7408546
I couldn't imagine a fabric wing lasting this long in that environment.
Cool story. Appreciate the post.
Very interesting story. Unfortunately, no one will go looking for the plane in the future and no one will ever know what happened. RIP
Very interesting, thanks for posting.
thanks very interesting
Very interesting - cool story
Interesting piece. Thanks for posting.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

I think your tinfoil is coming loose.
btweston 5
Drugs are bad, m’kay?
AWAAlum -4
Ya know, "They have not found absolutely anything." translates to "They have found something."
No, I think "they have not found absolutely nothing" means "they have found something." Your formulation is missing the necessary double negative.
AWAAlum -2
lol huh?
"They have not found absolutely anything" means "they have found nothing," not "they have found something."

"They have not found anything" and "they have not found absolutely anything" both mean "they have found nothing." In order for it to mean what you said it means, it needs a double negative, which is not present.
How about this: They h'aint found nothin!
AWAAlum -3
I disagree, however....I...
know when to hold 'em,
Know when to fold 'em,
Know when to walk away,
And know when to run.
And apparently you don't know when to admit you're wrong. No double-negatives in that sentence.


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