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KLM Boeing 747-400 engine badly damaged by high-loader

KLM Boeing 747-400 took serious damage to its #4 engine cowling when it was hit by a high-loader during parking at Amsterdam Schiphol. ( 기타...

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I guess they were "winging it".
"Look Charlie, I know it's big and round, but that cargo container just WON'T fit in there"!
Cansojr 1
Would it be prudent to examine the spar box where the wings are firmly in place? The tolerance for mating a wing to the spar box is measured in microns. An object hitting anything on the wing has the potential to render the wing unsafe for flight. A friend of mine flys 757-200's. He had a similar accident two years ago. His spar box was damaged.
The consequences of flying with a damaged wing can result in a catastrophic incident that can be avoided.


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