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American Airlines pilots told by union not to fly to Venezuela

American Airlines Group Inc pilots should not fly to Venezuela, an influential pilots union said on Friday, following a travel advisory issued by the U.S. State Department this week. The safety and security of U.S. citizens is our highest priority. If you are a U.S. citizen in Venezuela in need of assistance, or are concerned about a U.S. citizen in Venezuela, please contact the Department of State in one of the following ways: ( 기타...

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The union can't make that decision - only State Dept or FAA
that is not a decision- that is a travel advisory, and is well founded, reasonable, and the wise thing to do. Venezuela is a mess, the worst inflation in memory, a country in the death throes caused by an indifferent illegitimate government. American airlines is unable to repatriate profits from venezuela, and therfore lacks any good reason to continue airline service.

They managed to tanker up on cheap fuel for years, as did COA


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