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SpiceJet Repaints Grounded Jet Airways' Boeing 737 Planes with Own Livery

India's SpiceJet Ltd has started to repaint the grounded Jet Airways’ Boeing 737 airplanes with its own livery. A photo shared on Twitter shows a plane wearing SpiceJet logo in Red along with the yellow and blue stripes of Jet Airways. Air India is also in talks with Jet to operate the bigger airplanes for international routes ( 기타...

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Air India can’t even keep their own 777-300s flying. Always having to scrap parts from other planes to fix them.
linbb -6
Isnt that the same outfit which couldn't keep there 787s going and was mad at Boeing saying it was there fault. And that was just a lie as no one else was having the same problems. Oh and wasn't one pilot not qualified to fly an airliner also. Third world countries with third rate ideas.
Third world countries generally fly AB - using only iPads, not BOE


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