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Boeing's 737 Max crisis hits pilots at Southwest, European airlines

The fallout from the Boeing 737 Max jet's global grounding is taking a toll on airline pilots in the U.S. and Europe. Pilots are facing reduced flying hours needed for promotions, hiring freezes and layoffs since Boeing suspended airline deliveries in March after the jet's grounding, which came after two crashes killed a combined 346 people in Ethiopia and Indonesia. Southwest Airlines Vice President of Flight Operations Alan Kasher told the airlines pilots recently that first officer… ( 기타...

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This was an expected outcome and should not come as a surprise to anyone..anytime an airlines has to change or cut schedules,whether its due to an mandate or exclusion of a certain type of aircraft,or simply because people are not flying as much,there are layoffs and hiring freezes..
chalet 1
If the first piggy banks you broke was not sufficient, then embargo your the premises for the fall-out is going to be worse than 100 tsunamis all at once. Too bad but you asked for it with your arrogance and imperial dismisal of any outside counceling, it was a Monster grewing inside but you did not do anything, specially your top management.


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