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Startups Bet Hydrogen Fuel Cells Are Ready For Takeoff In Aviation

For decades, researchers have experimented with how to harness the potential of hydrogen to power aircraft. ( 기타...

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Cansojr 1
I certainly hope that this isn't a repeat of the HINDENBERG with hydrogen doesn't go up in flames. That's the problem is that it is flammable and it spreads like lighting. That is my major concern with using hydrogen fuel cells.
My understanding after googling some articles - that while hydrogen is explosive, if a fuel tank is punctured the gas will escape and be instantly diluted by air. It will not be a Hindenburg because we’re not taking about a massive balloon filled with gas catching fire. Toyota states that in cars, fuel cells and their engines are safer than gasoline.
Here’s an article titled “Why Hydrogen filled cars are not little Hindenburg’s”
linbb 0
Well more money down the rat hole going nowhere again just like years back everything was going to be using it as fuel. What happened? Investors flocked to throw money at it, result? Nothing more than lining pockets of smarter people when they failed to produce anything.


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