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Doomsday aircraft critical to US security, not scheduled to be replaced until 2038

The US military is relying on a handful of vintage 1960 aircraft to keep us safe in case of a nuclear war? The 707 was a good plane, but the military couldn't get a replacement into the budget in 1990 or 2000, or 2010, or 2020? Our national security controlled by a flock of ducks. ( 기타...

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Based on the USAF's experience with replacing the KC-135, I would expect doomsday to occur long before the USN puts a replacement for the old E-6B into front line service.
I've lived about 50 air miles from Patuxent River for the last decade and a half and it's been great watching all sorts of interesting aircraft pass overhead. I've seen E6B aircraft on many occasions as well as the Blue Angels (when they're in town), and a whole host of other military aircraft. I'll miss that about this place when I move in a few weeks to the other side of the country.

The name "Doomsday Plane" was originally applied to the E-4 NEACP, pronounced knee cap. One of the E-4s was always within easy access of the President, and could also assume the SAC Looking Glass role in a crisis. Alert duty on the E-4 was pretty intense.


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