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FAA will inspect all Boeing’s MAX planes coming out of storage

The FAA decided it will inspect and certify ALL Boeing’s MAX planes coming out of storage BEFORE they are delivered, a task previously delegated to Boeing ( 기타...

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The article mentions 120 man hours of inspections to get each plane airworthy. I don't think that included a FAA inspection. The airlines have plenty of workers to get their planes back into service, but how many FAA inspectors are there? Do all of the inspectors go to one location to get the job done and clear out the backlog? But, for example, that may mean Southwests gets all of their planes cleared before United and others whose planes are kept at a different location. The FAA has to inspect all of these planes given the shenanigans of Boeing, but this could become a problem if not planned carefully.
The FAA has to inspect all these planes because they screwed it up the first time, so now they are overcompensating.


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