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Latin America’s second-biggest airline has filed for bankruptcy

Avianca Holdings , Latin America’s No. 2 airline, filed for bankruptcy on Sunday, as a bond payment deadline loomed and after pleas for aid from Colombia’s government to weather the coronavirus crisis have so far been unsuccessful. ( 기타...

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No! That sucks. Ouch... But these are tough times. Sad.
madanca 1
Indeed, just to think about all those employees that are going to get fired!! Hopefully they can restructure themselves with the Chapter 11 protection!
But Chapter 11 isnt usually used to protect workers. Sad, but true...
this really stinks!

TACA airlines was managed better and it was a good financial condition. Things changed after Avianca merged with TACA, it went spiraling after that. Sad!
Ron Simms -1
We need more articles showing that private aircraft are not big contributors to air pollution


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