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F-35 engine battle breaks out on GOP spending bill

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Obama administration's campaign against a costly alternative engine for the Pentagon's next-generation fighter jet faces a critical vote in the GOP-controlled House, its fate to be decided by more than 90 freshmen lawmakers who previously haven't had to choose sides between two major defense companies. ( 기타...

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TTail 0
why do we need more than one engine in a fighter program?? one contractor gets the airframe, and one gets the engine, that should be the end of it. I am not against the military at all, but what is the purpose of having more that one engine?? could someone answer THAT QUESTION for me please??
No joke. Glad it didn't pass, what a waste of money.
David Sims 0
The contractors didn't want it, the Pentagon didn't want it. The only reason this ever came up was to create jobs in a few congressmen's backyards.

chalet 0
What?, certain senators from Ohio pushing for the GE engine?. Don't those jerks understand, read or have been informed that the damn F-35 plane is costing already almost $ 100 MILLION A COPY that is twice as expensive as the original price, and this is with only the P&W engine. Fools.
99NY 0
You know money is tight when military contractors are getting cut off in the US. The F-35 was a promising program when it started, and I'm sure itll be an impressive aircraft when its all said and done, but I cant shake the thought that for all this money the US could have developed high performance fighter drones by now.
Drones will NEVER surpass fighter planes in being the rulers of the skies. However I hate the F-35 and think F-22s are much better.
chalet 0
Shawn neither is good for the monstruosity that both cost. When will Pentagon and the Armed Forces learn how to cope with the unethical and sometimes outright illegal pressure exerted on them by the "patriotic" manufacturers of aircraft, vessels, missiles, etc. Ditto with the pressue by the "patriotic" congressmen from the states to benefit the most from this largesse. Makes me sick.


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