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Lead D-Day invasion plane to land at Air Force Museum, other regional stops

Weather permitting, an historic airplane that flew in the D-Day invasion of Normandy will land at the National Museum of the United States Air Force next week for a three-day visit. That’s All, Brother, a C-47 piloted by Lt. Col. John Donalson, is scheduled to visit April 20 to 22, the Air Force Museum said. The plane will also fly to Hogan Field, the Butler County Regional Airport in Hamilton, from April 16 to 18, and to Grimes Field in Urbana April 19. A trip to Xenia is also slated for April… ( 기타...

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this would be very cool to see and photograph.
If you are able to make it to EAA's AirVetnure in Oshkosh, WI you will get to see "That's All Brother" in the flesh. Seeing the that plane- as with so many during AirVenture that were the actual 'been there/done that' aircraft sends a chill down the spine when you take a few momnets to reflect on the planes and their crew's significance.
Click on this link and go forward to the pics of the D-Day planes and the painting of the invasion stripes re-creation. You will also see "That's All, Brother" and origional Easy Company Band Of Brothers paratrooper- Ed Shames too!
A beautiful aircraft with such a history! I wish I could see this in person but it may be a while as the pandemic has put a damper on visits from out of the country.


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