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A Southwest Airlines pilot reportedly used an anti-Joe Biden slur during an announcement to passengers with an AP journalist onboard

A Southwest Airlines pilot reportedly said "Let's Go, Brandon" during a flight announcement on Friday. ( 기타...

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EMK69 4
>>>>>Kelli Stavast mistakenly identified chants from a crowd to be saying "Let's Go, Brandon," <<<<<<

Laughing, Yeah OK.
tlfys1 3
AP Journalist? Isn't that a oxymoron?
Cleffer 2
I love how a journalist spells two words wrong in her own Tweet.
mbrews 2
"A Southwest Airlines pilot reportedly said "Let's Go, Brandon" during a flight announcement on Friday.

Associated Press reporter Colleen Long heard the phrase when traveling from Houston, Texas, to Albuquerque, New Mexico. "

Question 1. Is it possible the co-pilot happened to be named Brandon, and the Captain on audio was simply referring to him ?

Question 2. Who appointed the triggered AP reporter to be the speech police ?
When Trump was president the country was filled with anti-Trump speech everywhere. Where was this reporter when that was happening? CNN and the MSM refused to call him President but used the term Mister Trump instead just to show disrespect for the man.
go to and type this in the search box: "mr trump"

Then do the same with "president trump"

Hint: If you're going to make things up, pick something that takes more than five seconds to verify.
Getting to like your posts!
I do not recall Trump being verbally attacked during the announcements on a scheduled commercial flight.I am sure there was and is equally biased reporting from other media outlets like Fox. Most of it now is not news but stating opinions.
A workplace needs to be politically free. It also needs to be socially, religiously, culturally non-biased. The pilot was there to fly a plane from point A to point B, nothing more. And yes, an employer can be the speech police. The Constitution applies to individuals, not corporations.
Thank you Sharon. A much needed clarification.
Dubslow -3
So? Pilots are people (and voters) too
Cleffer 6
You make your political observations on your own time. Not on the company name or the company dime.
The question is not whether or not he is a person or even a voter. The question is whether or not he is a professional.

Sorry, was. The question was whether or not he's a professional.
Dubslow 7
If a pilot had slagged off Trump it wouldn't be news at all, so I really don't buy the "professionalism" angle
Makes sense. No, not really.
You don't know that.


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