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Woman attacks Spirit Airlines flight attendants, restrained by passenger with zip ties

A woman attacked two flight attendants on a Spirit Airlines flight to Nashville on Saturday night, was restrained by a fellow passenger, and then yelled at police officers to "shoot me" when they arrested her. Airport police arrested a 42-year old female for public intoxication after the flight crew contacted officers on the ground at Nashville International Airport around 7 p.m., an arrest affidavit said. ( 기타...

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YOU CANNOT FIX STUPID! basically people like this woman want attention and having a few drinks or whatever seems to make them think they are special and can do as they please towrds others..this tye of behavior is getting worse and worse..
Cleffer 7
Here we go again. These idiots are going to ruin my ability to relax with a cocktail on a domestic flight.
You are looking at it from the Wrong prospective... Just look at the Entertainment Factor. Better than reality TV!
LOL... I love it.. Zip Ties are Great... Police have been using them for years, you just do not hear much about it...
And no duct tape glue to clean off.
But watching 1 of these idiots wince, scream, swaer etc every time some of the duct tape glue is pulled off of them...priceless.
Zip ties aren't as much fun.
Exactly... I love the use of Zip Ties! Would have loved to see a Video of it! LOL
Just wait a while, I'm sure one will turn up.
I certainly hope So.. that will be a Keeper!
HaHa when will we learn that alcohol has no place at an airport or on any public flights!! Ban all alcohol and watch how much these incidents drop and how much more pleasant of an experience flying can be once again!
Wrong. Alcohol has been available for years. Yet there were no significant problems until recently

Alcohol is not the causal factor. It is something else rooted in behavior.
Maybe a celebrity or public dignitary needs to be affected to stop alcohol.


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