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US military to expedite 1st batch of infant formula from Switzerland

Operation Fly Formula is make its first mission importing shipments for Nestle. ( 기타...

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Sheesh. What's the matter with people who think the child is going to die because they can't get the easy premade formula.

I, along with millions of others raised my children on a mix of evaporated milk, water and a bit of sugar. They thrived.
You have to remember there are many children with allergies, special nutritional requirements, premies etc. who need specialty formulas, not a generic one. Not everyone is the same.
linbb 0
Another Bide fail here due to there dumb way of doing business but gets the spotlight off of record high gas prices. Wonder what is next? Not much his way of doing things fail on another item. Couldn't even after Trump got the ball rolling do the Covid Vaccine right with Biden doing it start to finish that would have failed also.
Linking gas price situation and the formula shortage is not a serious comment. Just gratuitous political stone throwing. Let's use this forum to make insightful comments and learn more.


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