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LOT Polish Airlines close to order 60 Airbus A220 jets

FARNBOROUGH, U.K. — Polish flag carrier LOT Polish Airlines is close to ordering as many as 60 Airbus A220 jets to renew its aging Embraer E-Jets, according to Bloomberg news agency. The airline is reportedly in advanced talks with Airbus. ( 기타...

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They A220 is still a young aircraft with some software issues. As we all know, the A320 and B737 had also some problem after lunching the aircraft. Today it’s a problem when a new aircraft will be manufactured, the costs are very high and the management what’s reduced the costs.
Don't do it!!! Those things climb like the EJ145
A220 is the E-Jet killer. Great weapon in the Airbus arsenal that Boeing has little to counter with. Simply put, new vs aging technology.
The fact that LOT will order these planes is of no issue to me. However what is an issue is the Boeing basher author and or airlinerwatch bringing up the crashes and other issues that are not related to this story or Boeing's competing for this business. It is "yellow journalism" at best and more like extreme prejudice by both parties.
Don't see any such comments on this comment thread however I do in a way agree with your statement vis-a-vis journalism. IMHO, much of the social media-based information, aviation or otherwise, including what can be gleaned from this site, is very poor and amateurish. Unfortunately, when the initial reflection of an article is the credibility of the content and not the content itself, things have deteriorated. Just the facts Jim. Just the facts.
When you click on the links at the bottom of the headline and read the story, you will see what I was referring to regarding the authors Boeing commentary.


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