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Icelandair Aims To Go All-In On Electric For Domestic Fleet

Icelandair is on track to become the world’s first national flag carrier to operate a 100 percent carbon-free domestic network. ( 기타...

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WOW linbb has not left a negative comment yet. It has the word Electric.
He left 2 just for you
linbb -1
The title says it all as there is NO aircraft available or close to it now or in the immediate future. The one sitting in Moses Lake WA is not anywhere near ready. Stated by them waiting for better battery tech for one. No payload or range listed. So smart one tell me what is going to be available in the near future say in the next two years?
look to the icelanders for hints and ideas on living a good life. Their country works well, the people are friendly, and for some inexplicable reason, they seem to like americans. Having electric domestic service is swell. Get her done..........
linbb -1
So they are going to produce something because they are friendly? Or live a good life? Oh well can just see preacher laughing at that statement if you even remember him on here.


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