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Kalitta Air retires 767 aircraft.

An end for the Boeing 767-300F in the Kalitta Air fleet. These aircraft are on average 31.3 years old and the end was soon near, and has been completed. (Photo of Kalitta 767-300 --> ( 기타...

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avgeeked 2
Correction: The aircraft have been leased to DHL, N763CK, the photo link, is currently operating flights after 26 days parked in Cincinnati.
linbb -3
Point isnt what you stated Kalitta retired them from there fleet OL?
avgeeked 5
I used an original article which stated that the aircraft were retired, and when I checked my photo, the plane was still in use.
You could go to the discussion section and tag admin and ask them to change the headline.
avgeeked 1
Thank you for letting me know!
Nice and useful plane, I have seen her at RJK APt, Croatia
Chris B 1
Definitely still active in the fleet.
Not in the Kalitta fleet. Check the flightaware history. It's been operated by ABX with ABX flight numbers since November 29.
I recently was a passenger aboard a similar--767-300K--aircraft that Delta chose to use for its inaugural flight from PPT to LAX. I thought it was a curious choice to enter a new market with such an old aircraft.
An end for the Boeing 767-300F in the Kalitta Air fleet… These aircraft are on average 31.3 years old and the end was soon near, and has been completed
trentenjet -5
Kalitta Been trying to get rid of those airplanes for over a year I had to wait for a certain points in the contract (Kalitta Is part of the swamp controlled by the CIA)


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