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More Investment is Needed for For Sustainable Aviation To Take Off

he aviation industry, under increasing pressure to curb its fast-growing carbon emissions, is placing huge bets on both sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and electric aviation to meet its net-zero carbon emissions goal by 2050. But while some predictions are optimistic, including that the aviation industry will be 25 percent electric or hybrid by 2025, a more likely scenario is that the first fully electric flights will be limited to a few regional or short-haul trips. Yet with an estimated half… ( 기타...

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linbb -2
Wow how to spend money and never get positive results, yoo bet more taxpayer money flushed down the tolet. Thats really dumb a project in NE CA just went belly up with no results. Some one needs to step in and take over on this whole before more money is wasted.


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