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NWS Offering Tours of Hurricane Hunter Aircraft

Hurricane experts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the United States Air Force (USAF) will visit five U.S. Gulf Coast cities this spring, flying aboard a USAF Reserve WC-130J hurricane hunter aircraft and a NOAA WP-3D Orion aircraft. ( 기타...

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I got to take a tour of the WC-130J at the NWS open house in Peachtree City, GA some years ago. I strongly recommend it, not just for the aircraft but to meet and hear the experiences and perspectives of the crew.
Hercs. landed almost anywhere, everywhere under enemy fire during the Nam days, Iraq and Afghan lunacy MIC conflicts and soldier on. Hurricane, a weather encounter!

Kudos to a tough old bird and their seasoned and well tested flight crews!

The P3 Orion is a stalwart as well.


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