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Entire U.S. Stealth Fighter Fleet Grounded

In past few decades, the U.S. Air Force has spent untold billions researching and developing a family of stealth fighter jets that are supposed to be generations ahead of any dogfighters in the sky. But after building more than 170 F-22 Raptors and a handful of F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, not a single one is available for service. The Air Force currently has zero flyable stealth fighters. None. ( 기타...

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alistairm 0
Us Canucks will lend you our old CF-18's. You can strap some wood panels to them to make them look "stealthy". Atleast they will fly :)
99NY 0
Thats just part of the stealth feature. They only LOOK like they are grounded.
Guess I'll have to re-think my airshow schedule this summer...
goldfoot 0
@99NY Ha! Love it.
preacher1 0
Only in our illustrious fedrul gumint
Are there any F-117s still active?
preacher1 0
They didn't say anything about them. I guess they are calling them bombers
alistairm 0
Nope, they (the f-117) all retired in 2008.
preacher1 0
All them $ probably baking in the sun at Tucson and the replacements can't fly. Brilliant management
alistairm 0
@wayne: They are actually very carefully mothballed at the moment. Only one has actually been scrapped. This was done to see what the best method of disposing of the airframe was. Perhaps they are keeping the rest to some day serve again.
preacher1 0
Yeah, they are at Davis Monthan AFB at Tucson I figure. It used to be MASDAC(Military Aircraft Storage & Disposal something or other and now they gave it some other fancy name, AWERT or something like that but it is the Military Boneyard
Roy Kizzia 0
Yes, they have retired in Arizona along with a lot of us old f@3t$. Me, I'm still in Oklahoma.
preacher1 0
Where at Roy. I was raised at Elgin, just Northeast of Lawton. Army Brat
In Arkansas since 1972
Roy Kizzia 0
Oklahoma City. I was an engineer at Tinker AFB for 24 years from '86 to '10. Born and raised in Hot Springs, AR, however.
preacher1 0
Born in Russellville; been living at the foot of Petit Jean Mountain for the last 33 years. Flew corporate out of Ft Smith all that time. Semi retired a couple of years ago but my old company and some friends at Eagle and DAL(formerly NWA/Pinnacle at MEM)plus some FAA buddies there in OKC that grant the physical waivers help me stay current and maintain that ATP right now but I doubt that will last long. I got into a trucking company down here a couple of years back and haven't decided if it's fun yet or
marledge 0
Did anyone notice the comments below the article? What an intelligent discourse.
preacher1 0
@matthew arledge - that was totally (everybody will go back and read them now
The F-117 is actually stored in their original hangars at the Tonopah Test Range Airport. There are some videos on Youtube of the F-117, claiming that the Air Force is still flying at least one at the Nellis Range. At least the B-2 is still flying!
It'll lose a lot of its stealth when (after the pilot ejects) it lands in your front yard.
chalet 0
The F-22s and F-35s and nothing more than gold mines for Lockheed, no, make it platinum mines yielding them untold billions in over-runs and profits every year. If the Obama administration is serious about budget cuts they should ax these programs the very same way they killed another Lockheed monstruosity the V-71 "Marine One" helicopter each one costing almost like the 747 used as "Air Force 1".


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