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Rocket on launch pad in North Korea

Updated today at 9:25 AM TONGCHANG-RI, North Korea (AP) — North Korean space officials have moved all three stages of a long-range rocket into position for a controversial launch, vowing Sunday to push ahead with their plan in defiance of international warnings against violating a ban on missile activity. The Associated Press was among foreign news agencies allowed a firsthand look at preparations under way at the coastal Sohae Satellite Station in northwestern North Korea. North Korea… ( 기타...

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tony boyd 2
Now we have a rocket to worry about, my question if the US is masters at this technology how is it that broke ass N.Korea can launch a rocket into space without our help or another country helping ?
alistairm 2
Not sure how this belongs here. Anyhow... Germany was the creator of the first "cruise missile", the V1. They were also the creators of the V2, the prelude to the ICBM and everything else that followed. It was German scientists that helped the US launch their rocket program and space program. I really don't think the North Koreans need the help of the US to launch a rocket. Do you forget who their neighbours are? Again, i really don't think this belongs on FA.


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