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UK airports passenger traffic continues fourth year of growth

The number of passengers traveling through UK airports last year increased for the fourth year in a row, bringing the total to just below the pre-recession peak of 2007. According to figures released by the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), UK airports (excluding the Channel Islands and Isle of Man) handled 238 million passengers in 2014, an increase of 4.4% (10 million passengers) over 2013, and just three million short of the 2007 peak of 241 million. ( 기타...

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I have no sympathy for the Brits complaining about capacity in the South when they of their own volition, restrict the capacity of their biggest airport (Heathrow) and will not make up their minds what to do about it. As with the closing of KaiTak, and them going to the ocean and hi speed rail, they just need to bite the bullet and go to the Thames estuary and get it over with. Either that or buy out the complainers at Heathrow and open it on up for 24 hr operation and eventually another runway.
How about another runway at Gatwick?

That's on the table but nobody really wants it.
I couldn't have said it better.


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