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Netherlands, Norway, Poland to jointly buy A330 MRTT

The Netherlands, Norway, and Poland will send a request for proposal (RfP) to Airbus to buy A330 Multi Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) aircraft within a matter of weeks, according to officials close to the issue. Since the platforms will be identical to one another, the forthcoming negotiations "will be all about price", they said. "We know the numbers and expect to see a reasonable offer. This has to be affordable: the flight costs have to be low," said Johan Van Soest,… ( 기타...

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More of our NATO partners going with the tried and proven Airbus tanker. Meanwhile, back in the US, the new and untested Boeing version continues to suffer delays. It's a joke that we are still flying tankers based on the 707 while our allies fly much newer aircraft.
Why should we give our tax dollars to a foreign company? And, it's always a good idea to keep military hardware sources "in house" so to speak, by keeping the manufacture domestic. It really sucks when the feces hits the rotary impeller to discover that your only source for parts and spares is now behind enemy lines.
Bernie, it is highly likely that a very large chunk of European money will find it's way into American pocket books owing to the significant amount of technology to be incorporated into the aircraft.

Further, is it not European Airforces and not the USAF placing these orders?
linbb -1
Seems that they also fly another tanker the KC10 and by the way the KC135 has preformed very well and continues to do so without buying a buss. When the Boeing comes on like it will preform as well as the KC did so get over it. EU buys there own stuff.
The NATO Allies buying a MRTT from Airbus - company controlled by the French, dubious and reluctant Member of the Alliance who are building WARSHIPS for the Russkies.
What happened to the common sense of these partners??


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