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Analysts skeptical of Air India’s Dreamliner problems

The old service industry adage that the customer is always right apparently doesn’t apply to Air India, according to aviation industry analysts. Those experts say the carrier’s repeated complaints about Boeing Co.’s 787 Dreamliners are wearing thin, not that there was much substance to them to begin with. ( 기타...

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It might be expensive up front but save in the long run, but Boeing might be better off just buying them back and let Airbus have them awhile.
linbb 2
Ya think things are there fault? They have no idea how to maintain AC and that is a proven fact with the 787. No one else having those problems. Was it there AC that someone stole filters off of just after they had arrived brand new?
canuck44 2
The airline is broke and has found a way to drag out payment and maybe even get some money back from Boeing through a mix of incompetence and corruption.


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